Burnbrae Farms - Beat The Summer Heat Contest

Burnbrae Farms - Beat The Summer Heat Contest
Prize: one of five prizes of a Yeti cooler and a Burnbrae Farms gift basket. Each prize is worth $650.
Value: $650
Frequency: Weekly Entry
End Date: September 15, 2024posted on May 25, 2024


Answer is 30

Posted by: Pilot18 on June 3, 2024

Burnbrae used to be limited to entering again after a full 7 days had elapsed. Now the thank you page says come back next Monday. Has anyone had success in their recent contests with enter on a calendar week basis instead of waiting the full 7 days?

Posted by: 123ABC on June 9, 2024

I get enter 'Monday' now also

Posted by: Platform on August 4, 2024

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