HP - Win Big with HP & Real Madrid Contest

HP - Win Big with HP & Real Madrid Contest
Prize: a $7,000 trip for two to Madrid, Spain with tickets to a soccer game. There are two secondary prizes of a Best Buy gift card worth $5,000 or $3,000 and 10 prizes of Real Madrid jersey as well.
Restrictions:  Age of Majority--no QC
Value: $7000
Frequency: Single Entry
End Date: September 25, 2024posted on July 11, 2024
Thanks to: snarky1 for telling me about this one


Trip to Madrid is 4 Days/3 Nights, hotel only for 2 days ???

Posted by: fnamor on July 11, 2024

One day is probably a travel day. When we've flown to Europe, we leave Canada on day one and arrive on day 2. When coming back to Canada,we leave Europe in the morning and arrive in Canada the same calendar day. We've been lucky to win 2 trips.

One was to New Orleans. We negotiated with the sponsor to change our flights to add an extra day. OK with them so long as the cost of the flight wasn't more (it wasn't) and contacted the hotel directly to add one extra night at our cost. As this added nothing to the sponsors cost, they didn't care. Second trip was to Fredericton. We need a wheelchair accessible room for my husband. Again, we offered to pay the difference in cost of the room. Sponsor had enough wiggle room in their budget to cover it.

If I won this trip, I would definitely find a way to stay longer at my own expense. Madrid is amazing!

Posted by: ducky on July 11, 2024

@ducky, thanks for the info! I was a bit bummed it was such a short trip, but nice to hear that some sponsors are open to changing flights and letting you stay longer as long as you cover the cost of that!!

Good luck everyone!

Posted by: snarky1 on July 12, 2024

I have done the same, blessed with winning an amazing trip to Whistler, BC for 2 nights, we added a 3rd at our own expense which the travel company booking us was happy for more tourist dollars. Since the flights are paid for and your there, the extra cost is worth it. Good luck to everyone!

Posted by: sharonmci on July 12, 2024

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