One Country - Chevy Silverado Giveaway

One Country - Chevy Silverado Giveaway
Prize: a Chevy Silverado truck or take $63,000 cash instead.
Restrictions:  18 or older--no MI or QC--enter up to 20 times a month
Value: $63000
Frequency: You can enter more than once but read the rules
End Date: November 30, 2024posted on September 6, 2024


One can still earn entries by purchases. Never is fair. Not really a true Sweeps when that happens.

Posted by: DWLB1952 on September 6, 2024

I'm still entering.

Posted by: atentries on September 6, 2024

There is no legitimate reason not to enter. Good luck, y'all!

Posted by: AMAProSBK on September 6, 2024

I hate the way these promotions are run, but I agree there is no good reason not to enter. The entry form is simple & fast with autofill. I personally wouldn't waste my time if the prize was small, but I could do a lot with what's ever left after Uncle Sam puts his greedy paws out.

Posted by: Sweeps2021 on September 6, 2024

With that being said........

I think the One Country promotions are better suited for the Odd Entry category.

Posted by: Sweeps2021 on September 6, 2024

Welcome to capitalism. Where profit is the priority. Not fairness.

Posted by: loungetime on September 6, 2024

Without capitalism, there would be no contests, free or otherwise. Just be thankful it's not enter by mail.

Posted by: wert on September 6, 2024

*There is a maximum entry limit of 20 AMOE submissions per month.

*Each AMOE submission = 300 entries.

*So up to 6,00 entries per month if you enter 20 times.

From the rules:

Free Alternative Method of Entry. You can alternatively receive an equal or greater number of entries by using our Free Entry Portal (the Free Entry Portal ).


Unless otherwise expressly provided in the Specific Rules associated with a Giveaway, each entrant that submits a valid entry using the Free Entry Portal will be automatically assigned 300 entries for the applicable Giveaway for each valid Portal entry submitted. Entrants are permitted to enter using the Free Alternative Method of Entry using the Free Entry Portal up to 20 times per month.


Posted by: OnlyTheBest on September 6, 2024

Spot on wert

Sure beats the socialism sweepstakes where you line up for a slice a bread and hope they don't run out before you reach the front

Posted by: Sweeps2021 on September 6, 2024

I used to win a lot of prizes with USPS sweepstakes. Not so much since email
has taken over 95% of them Wert.

Posted by: FunGuy on September 6, 2024

DWLB1952 if you read the rules, you'll see that it IS FAIR. Everyone is able to get the same maximum number of entries, regardless of method.

Posted by: OnlyTheBest on September 6, 2024

FunGuy, I wish I would have got into the hobby back then. I've heard some great stories of people winning big prizes.

Posted by: Sweeps2021 on September 6, 2024

It was fun to try things like using odd sized, decorated or bright envelopes.
Paying for stamps and sitting down and writing 3x5's kept a lot of competition out of the game giving you a better chance to win. I had a couple of tricks I used that
I like to think may have helped me but probably not really. Over the years I won
a lot of big prizes.
I have won some nice ones online so I still do this for fun. It's always a kick to get that win. Haven't won a REALLY big prize though in more than a decade now.

I feel like computer nerds have ways to mess with things online and win but I might
just be a sore loser :(.

Posted by: FunGuy on September 6, 2024

I've won a couple of weekend trips and a piece of exercise equipment. Highest value a little over $3k. Nice prizes but nothing life altering. The best part has been sharing prizes with family.

Posted by: Sweeps2021 on September 7, 2024

Those are nice prizes. I have never won a trip except accommodations in Vegas once, no transportation. My spouse loves travel but me not so much.

In mail entries I have won two cars and and a customized motorcycle. Sold the cars but I kept the bike. Don't ride it much anymore. No place to go since I retired and people looking at their phones instead of the road make me uneasy.... Still ride time to time though and it feels good.
On line I have won a big screen TV and couple other things but nothing in the thousands. I need some of your online luck!! I love giving small prizes to kids, relatives schools etc. When I enter for a vehicle I don't really want, I imagine which of my kids would want it if I win.

Posted by: FunGuy on September 7, 2024

Sounds like we have some things in common. I didn't go on the trips I won. The family members that went enjoyed them a million times more than I would have.

This has been my worst year since getting started. I haven't even surpassed $500 in TOTAL yet. Of course I've become very selective with what I'm entering, so that has no doubt impacted my total. My "wins" this year have all been the consolation prizes for the promotion.

Posted by: Sweeps2021 on September 7, 2024

Yeah I think you and I are storing up our luck for a big win soon!!!
I do like to cruise when I find a real good deal. I have some health problems
that make long car trips or flights difficult. Cruising, I just have to make it to the
ship and then there are lots of restrooms and relaxation.

I bet we have QUITE a bit in common.

Posted by: FunGuy on September 7, 2024

I really want to take a cruise some time. My wife and I planned to take one for our honeymoon but the COVID crisis prevented that.

Posted by: atentries on September 8, 2024

That damn virus. Have you thought where you want to go??

Posted by: FunGuy on September 8, 2024

I don't have a preference. I would probably do the Caribbean to balance cost, distance, and destination. My wife is REALLY interested in dining in Italy, so we were planning to do a Mediterranean cruise with stops in Italy.

Posted by: atentries on September 8, 2024

Hi FunGuy, Did you ever make late night runs to the post office to get entries mailed at the last minute? I did lots of those with my children with me. Good times and great prizes! Miss the mail-in entry times so much. GLTA!

Posted by: Goodfortune on September 8, 2024

I'm on the fence about going on a cruise. Although I hate to drive, I love having the ability to hop in my car and just go. When I'm on vacation, that's typically via rental car.

Posted by: Sweeps2021 on September 8, 2024


LINDA, could you please move this to Daily?

(We'll just need to stop entering after 20.)


Posted by: JBRITTAIN2 on September 8, 2024

Atentries: MSC has cruises out of Brooklyn that are pretty cheap BUT the destinations aren't that good. Still not a bad way to try a cruise if you are near there. There is a lot to be said for going to the warm Isles when it is snowing here. Los Angeles has some good deals. Florida has the most choices of Carib cruises.

I love Alaska. Spend a lot of time with binoculars watching for whales and other wildlife. If you decide to go to Alaska I can give you some ideas on how to save money like flying to Seattle instead of Vancouver..... ALL CRUISES try to get more money from you on board. Alcohol is very costly, specialty restaurants, shore excursions and more.

We got a great deal last thanksgiving on a cruise around the Mediterranean out of Rome. My spouse got to see a lot of the Landmarks in Italy. It was very difficult for me to fly that far but I made it. For my other half that flight is nothing. Flew to Rome but he trip back across the Atlantic was rough! I don't get sick but my spouse spent some time turning green. Very sensitive but still keeps cruising.

A short cruise like 3 or 4 nights might be good if you worry that you'll hate it and don't want to be trapped for a week on board. Some people spend months on a ship. I like 7-10 nights. For me, less than 6 days and I feel like I just unpacked and now I am packing again. After 10 days I yearn for my own bed....

We watch the "Vacations To Go" website very often. Usually the 90 day ticker but also far ahead schedules too. I sort them by price and once in a while something comes in way cheap. If you find something you like call the Vacation to go number. Prolly anybody is good but we really like Frederick on extension 7916. Been using him for years now. Really nice guy.

Reach out if you need any more info. I will try not to write another book lol.

Posted by: FunGuy on September 8, 2024

Atentires. One more thing. Each cruise line has it's own class, personality, passenger types etc. ie. Holland America is classy, good food and OLDER folks. Carnival is wild party boat usually.......etc

Posted by: FunGuy on September 8, 2024

Good Fortune: Not so much last minute entries for me. Some of these online sweeps here have mail-in entries in the Official Rules. I just don't know if anyone bothers to pick from the mailed in 3x5s or if they just hit a button on a computer to pick.

I am finally, sometimes, getting tired of the hobby. Been doing it seriously since 1990. Every day now online without fail unless I am on a cruise.
I used to hit the second chance drawings sometimes multiple times.
Good luck 2 U 2

Posted by: FunGuy on September 8, 2024

I've been getting tired of the hobby as well. It was the main reason I cut back to entering mostly big prize promotions only. I suspect that I will cut back even more in 2025.

Posted by: Sweeps2021 on September 8, 2024

Sweeps2021: There are a lot of people who like the freedom of having a car and taking off. What do I like about cruising:
1- The food. Have a choice of good food all day, fancy things I don't usually eat. The hard part is self control. Since I stopped my very physical job my weight keeps creeping up. To help that we never take the elevator on the ship. Some of these ships are 14-18 stories tall and if you have to leave your cabin on say 5 and climb 9 or ten flights to the buffet or whatever you will burn some pasta! Also do laps around the deck .... Generally go to the gym too which I don't do at home. I hear that the average weight gain is a pound a day but we manage to hold it to a pound or so for a whole cruise.
2- I like waking up in a new place every day.
3- I enjoy the foreign crew and talk to them as much or more than I do passengers. These folks are away from their families working HARD, REALLY HARD for 9 months at a time. Their stories about their families and countries are fascinating and sometimes heart rending. I spoke to a woman waiter from Ukraine just as the war was breaking out. She could barely hold back tears... So many stories
4- I love seeing fish, birds, crabs and more that I don't get to see at home.
5- Live music all over the place on good ships. Not all ships are good for this but most are.
6- Shows every night in the theater.
7-finding quiet corners to read my Kindle.
8- Trivia competitions. And more

If not for my problems (boo hoo) I would do more serious excursions. I would love to tube through a river cave, snorkel, and hike way more. I do walk around a bit near the ports. I am happy but I have cruised a lot so maybe one day I will stop because the destinations become redundant, maybe.

I hope you will try it and like it ! It is very hard to drive Alaska. That might be a good cruise for you??? Try the website I mentioned above. Alaska cruises are pricey though. Good one is to fly to Anchorage and take the glass top train to Whittier and Cruise to Vancouver. To Save money you can bus to Seattle and fly home from there. Much cheaper flights at SeaTac
Whatever "floats your boat" ! lol

Posted by: FunGuy on September 8, 2024

Just saw your last post SWEEPS2021.
I have cut back too. I am tired of receiving spam emails and having to go through all my junk email. Almost missed my one good win this year. Luckily they sent me a second, "we need to hear from you by Monday or we will pick somebody else" email.
I always enter for vehicles but yeah I am cutting back. I feel like snob but if it isn't at least $10 grand or something I don't bother usually. 100 bucks would make my day of course but, you know....

Posted by: FunGuy on September 8, 2024

FunGuy, I would happily accept $100 as a backup prize, but definitely not worth my time as a top prize. I used to enter those promos for $5 Venmo or a Gift Card because those usually have better odds since they have more winners. Now, I realize those promotions aren't worth my time or the added spam & risk.

My SS # is on the dark web along with other personal information. I've had to have my credit locked for several years now. I don't attribute any of that to this hobby, but it does make me less willing to take risks for small prizes.

There was a recent data breach that affected many millions. I think we're at the point with this type of crime that anyone that doesn't have their credit locked is going to get burned sooner or later.

As for a cruise, I'm almost certain that if I give it a shot my first destination would be somewhere tropical.

Posted by: Sweeps2021 on September 9, 2024

FunGuy and Sweeps2021, I took a break from contesting for almost a year and started back in May of this year. I've won two prizes, so that is encouraging. I'm hoping we all win big this year!!

Posted by: Goodfortune on September 9, 2024

Way to go Goodfortune, coming back a winner. Maybe I will take a breather also.

Once again we are thinking alike, this time on data breaches etc. If you do cruise let me know if you like it.

Good luck everyone

Posted by: FunGuy on September 9, 2024

Thanks for sharing, y'all!
I really enjoyed reading your comments.

We are RV'ers (have never cruised), but have driven the Al-Can Highway both ways (many years ago) and lived/ stationed near Fairbanks, AK.

Posted by: JBRITTAIN2 on September 9, 2024

I think JBrittain, you are "cruising" the highways, in style. Don't think I could live in
Fairbanks. Those long winter nights and me would clash. Played with the idea
of an RV for a LONG time but it never happened. I would really like to drive the
Al-Can highway. My Passat has a range of about 800 highway miles on a tank
of diesel. Just maybe someday....

Posted by: FunGuy on September 9, 2024

FunGuy, we planned ahead and took our time, topping off the tank whenever we could along the way. Parts of it were really beautiful, but then the burn scars...

Posted by: JBRITTAIN2 on September 9, 2024

in the rules it says usa only

Posted by: ritaloriwin on September 16, 2024

oh sorry maybe not this one, i went on to enter another similar one and it was usa only. this says most giveaways are usa and canada so i think this one is ok .

Posted by: ritaloriwin on September 16, 2024

Well this is strange, today when i tried to enter it says: "We were recently made aware of the State of Michigan's stance on their residents participating in our sweepstakes. Unfortunately, Michigan residents are not eligible to participate in our sweepstakes or contests (this also includes free alternate method of entry)."

Posted by: nicole369nikki on September 19, 2024

That is fresh, I was able to enter a few hours ago.

Posted by: atentries on September 19, 2024

Thanks for that link, that clears things up for me.

Posted by: nicole369nikki on September 19, 2024


Linda, could you move this to Daily or Odd Entry?

In Daily, we could just enter the first 20 days of the month and leave it at that.


Posted by: JBRITTAIN2 on September 21, 2024

Thanks, I fixed it

Posted by: Contestgirl on September 22, 2024

I have been entering theses sweeps for over a year and first they made you send in a paper entry and then they sent them back telling me they no longer would accept mail in entries, then I was able to enter free entry page but now they tell me that Michigan residents are no longer eligible because of our state's position on their sweepstakes. Has anyone else been disqualified from one Country for the same reason? glta

Posted by: jackceepee on September 29, 2024

After I enter, it won't submit the page. Anyone else having this problem?

Posted by: sherocks2004u2 on October 8, 2024

No problem. Did you enter more than 20 times already this month?

Posted by: FunGuy on October 8, 2024

Same here sherocks and, no, I haven't entered 20 times this month already.

Posted by: SueA on October 8, 2024

I have the same problem, sherocks

Posted by: bigW44 on October 8, 2024

Yes, won't submit for me as well.

Posted by: Marcus75 on October 8, 2024


Posted by: bigW44 on October 8, 2024


Posted by: skeetersden on October 9, 2024

Entering using the "no purchase" form hasn't resulted in reaching a limit after 7 days in previous months, but perhaps they've changed something. Anyway, same thing is happening today.

Posted by: SueA on October 9, 2024

not submitting for me

Posted by: jiidii on October 9, 2024

Disturbing Michigan residents can enter One Country contests anymore.

Posted by: Rmickalich on October 9, 2024

I'm not having any trouble entering this sweeps.

Posted by: FunGuy on October 9, 2024

Contest will not submit my entry

Posted by: sherocks2004u2 on October 10, 2024

FunGuy, can you tell us which server you're using, and what device? I'm on a PC, trying both FireFox and Microsoft Edge. I've also tried just going to One Country's home page and following the links from there, but end up in the same place, with the same problem - form not submitting anymore.

Posted by: SueA on October 10, 2024

Brave browser. Desktop PC. Windows 10

Posted by: FunGuy on October 10, 2024

Thanks for the info FunGuy. Maybe it is the browsers I've tried.

Posted by: SueA on October 11, 2024

Try a private window??

Posted by: FunGuy on October 11, 2024

Thanks for the suggestion FunGuy. I don't know how to do that, and I'm on a shared (family) PC so I'm not sure if I want to venture into that sort of thing (more accurately, I'm not sure if my husband wants me to mess about with it. LOL!). I'll also try clearing my cache and cookies, but I can never remember what he wants me to leave on there, so I'll check with him first. :-) Thanks, again.

Posted by: SueA on October 11, 2024

I'm no whiz on computer but this is EASY Sue.

On microsoft Edge it is called an "InPrivate window".

-At the top right hand side of the screen click the three dots. (...)
-The third choice down that appears should be "Open New InPrivate Window". Click that choice and try to enter that sweepstakes in that window.

It is much less problem than clearing cookies imo.

Posted by: FunGuy on October 11, 2024

Thanks, again, FunGuy.

Posted by: SueA on October 11, 2024

Well, the private window thing didn't work for me on either Edge or FireFox. Thanks for trying to help, all the same FunGuy. That's what I like about this site - people are generous and helpful. Good luck!

Posted by: SueA on October 11, 2024

Sorry! Good Luck!!

Posted by: FunGuy on October 11, 2024

won't submit for me

Posted by: sherocks2004u2 on October 12, 2024

Won't submit for me either

Posted by: Shosh1 on October 14, 2024

This is weird. You guys are all entering your birthday's ?

Posted by: FunGuy on October 14, 2024

Yes, FunGuy, the form is completely filled in (mine is, at least). Just doesn't submit. I appreciate that you're still trying to troubleshoot. :-) Good luck!

Posted by: SueA on October 14, 2024

hadn't worked for weeks and submitted today no problems

Posted by: jiidii on October 17, 2024

I'll retry on the 1st of November and I expect it to go through

Posted by: bigW44 on October 17, 2024

Same here jiidii. Worked for me today...doing absolutely nothing differently. :-)

Posted by: SueA on October 17, 2024

Worked for me just now.

Posted by: bigW44 on October 18, 2024

The sweepstakes company informed me after many entries that Michigan is no longer an acceptable state to enter from.

Posted by: jackceepee 3 hours ago

That's a bummer for all those folks who've been entering from Michigan! Though I'm sure they'll appreciate your letting them know, jackeepee. Somehow doesn't seem fair to change the rules in the middle of a contest like that.

Posted by: SueA 2 hours ago

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