CFIB - The Big Thank You Contest

CFIB - The Big Thank You Contest
Prize: $750 and a $500 gift box of products from small Canadian businesses. The business you thank will win $2,000 and a $1,000 gift box of products. You have to thank a small business but entries will not be judged - the winners are chosen by random draw.
Restrictions:  Age of majority--one entry per business but you can nominate multiple businesses
Value: $1250
Frequency: Weekly Entry
End Date: October 28, 2024posted on October 1, 2024
Thanks to: SueA. for telling me about this one


You can enter/nominate ("thank") each business once a week. There are 4 separate weekly draws (October 8th, 16th, 22nd, and 29th), and entries are not carried forward to subsequent weeks.

Good luck to all of you and your favourite businesses!

Posted by: SueA on October 1, 2024

Should be in weekly contests.

Posted by: Maliergo on October 2, 2024

Agree Maliergo. That's where I indicated it should go when I submitted this one, but maybe the unlimited # of businesses that can be nominated somehow threw things off.

Posted by: SueA on October 2, 2024

Thanks, I fixed it

Posted by: Contestgirl on October 2, 2024

why does the business get more then us, it should be equal i would thinK

Posted by: angel35635 on October 19, 2024

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