Swiss Chalet - Celebrate 70 Years Contest

Swiss Chalet - Celebrate 70 Years Contest
Prize: one of three prizes of a 1-year supply of Swiss Chalet products, worth $1,400. There are also 70 prizes of five free Swiss Chalet products, worth up to $100. You can enter with a purchase or without purchase by sending an email to with your essay about your favourite Swiss Chalet memory.
Restrictions:  Age of Majority--no QC
Value: $1400
Frequency: Monthly Entry
End Date: December 31, 2024posted on October 11, 2024


Email Entry- No Purchase Necessary. To enter, provided that an entrant is eligible to enter the Contest as per rule 3 above, send an email to containing your full name, telephone number and a unique and original essay of a minimum of 200 words (an E-mail Entry ), sharing your favourite Swiss Chalet memory. There is a limit of one (1) E-mail Entry per person/e-mail address and per unique and original Essay, per month, during the Contest Period

Posted by: jinx644 on October 11, 2024

Just an FYI, the last Swiss Chalet in BC closed almost 2 years ago !!!

Posted by: AnnaBanana46 on October 12, 2024

should this not be under monthly? allowed one entry per month..

Posted by: hopebc53 on October 12, 2024

just email entries is 1 per month. purchase is unlimited

Posted by: J123BH on October 13, 2024

I moved it to monthly

Posted by: Contestgirl on October 13, 2024

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